This is the shareware version of Lloyd's Expense Reporter. Please register if you decide to continue using this software. To register, send a check for $29 to: Lloyd's Travel PO Box 13842 Research Triangle Park NC 27709-3842 You will then receive, Expense Reporter version 2.0 which contains a number of enhancements. Expense Reporter 2.0 will be released in Spring, 1996. Features will include: -addition of a mileage calculator -bug fixed that prevents more than one expense of the same type on the same day. -addition of a foreign currency calculator -ability to delete an expense report. This software is copyrighted 1995 by Lloyd's Travel. Lloyds' Expense Reporter for Windows is the most powerful, easiest, quickest, and most economical software package for doing expenses on your PC. Much easier to setup and use than competing products. With Expense Reporter's quick entry system, a few keystrokes is all it takes to input your travel expenses which can then be printed in standard expense report format. Expense Reporter can be customized for your company. It lets you work on multiple expense reports at the same time and can also be used to store old expense reports and track when they are paid. On-line tax tips, a calculator, calendar, and an on-line phone book are all included to make submitting your expenses even easier. Requires Windows 3.1 or higher, and a hard drive. User documentation is in files XPNS_USR.DOC and XPNS_USR.TXT. See Help for information on other Lloyd's Travel products. or write You may get the message Invalid Key the first time you run this software. Simply select to rebuild the key.